Practical Stations Tests


The practical examination for Level 1 and 2 is a stations-based test and must be completed in person, within a specified time.

The stations can cover this type of cases:

  • Fragmentary remains (identification of bones, siding of bones)
  • Juvenile osteology (age determination, identification of bones)
  • Commingling and MNI
  • Human and non-human bone identification
  • Taphonomy
  • Biological profile: Age-at-death: subadults and adults
  • Biological profile: Biological sex
  • Biological profile: Ancestry /Population affinity
  • Biological profile: Stature
  • Personal identification
  • Anatomical variants
  • Pathology: diseases, ante-mortem trauma
  • Trauma:(ante-, peri-, post-mortem differentiation); mechanisms of trauma (blunt, sharp, gunshot)
  • Burned remains

Where age- and sex-estimation questions related to phases (e.g., Suchey-Brooks) are asked, the ages associated with each phase will be provided. 

Individual aspects of the examination are considered as passed when a candidate achieves a result of 80% or more. The candidates are informed if they have passed the same day of the examination, after the examination board has evaluated the responses of the candidates.

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