European events

03 September 2021

22nd Annual Conference of the British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology


Dates: 17-19th September 2021

Location: Teesside University

More information here


02 June 2021

International Association of Craniofacial Identification propose One-day symposium with the theme “Race and Face: bias in forensic and archaeological investigation.”

This one-day symposium will be held on 23 July 2021 and will feature keynote speakers to address this issue from disciplines important to craniofacial identification. There is also an opportunity to submit an abstract for consideration as a paper or poster presentation (deadline is 1 July 2021). Please see the attached flyer for additional information about the speakers and how to submit an abstract. Please direct any questions about this event to our host, Caroline Wilkinson ( We hope that you will be able to join us virtually on July 23rd!

IACI one-day symposium

22nd February 2020


This symposium is supported by the British Academy and Liverpool John Moores University and brings together experts to discuss policy and process in relation to the identification of migrants ‘who have died or gone missing at the external borders of states or in the process of migration towards an international destination’ (IOM 2018).

The identification of deceased migrants appears largely absent from current international policy, academia and the media. This symposium seeks to re-examine migrant body identification, acknowledge the implications for individuals, families and states involved and address the shortcomings of current identification efforts.

The aim of the symposium is to provide practical solutions that can be implemented at local,

national, and international levels. The symposium is made up of one day of invited speakers/panels and half a day discussion, and is hosted in the centre of Liverpool, UK.

Attendance is free. To book attendance please contact Maria on

Current confirmed speakers:

– Prof Caroline Wilkinson, LJMU

-Neil Morris, ICRC

-Angeles Colsa Herrara, CIPIMD (Spain)

-Dr Jan Bikker, Forensic Missing Migrant Initiative

-Eugenia Cunha, National Institute of Legal Medicine & Forensic Sciences

-Dr Maria Castenyra-Ruiz, LJMU

09th January 2020

OSTEOLOGY AND ANTHROPOLOGY SUMMER SCHOOL – 10th Edition Pontestura (Italy) July 13-18 2020

Pontestura ENG 2020


18th August 2019

The 27th International Meeting on Forensic Medicine Alpe – Adria – Pannonia, to be held in Belgrade, Serbia, in Hotel Zira from October 2 – 5 2019. The topic of the upcoming meeting will be “Advancement in Forensic Toxicology”.


Abstracts can be submitted until August 20, 2019

Authors and researchers are strongly encouraged to submit an abstract for the conference themes and topics.

Abstract might be selected for oral or poster presentation – acceptance of contributions and the type of presentation (oral or poster) will be notified by 15 SEPTEMBER 2019.

Topics of interest for submission include:

Forensic Toxicology
Personal Injury Claims Assessment
Clinical Forensic Medicine
Forensic Anthropology
Forensic Genetics

Moreover, Forensic Anthropology Workshop will take place.

This course is designed for persons interested in learning basic forensic anthropological methods for developing a biological profile, establishing positive identification, and collecting data related to manner of death.

Participants will gain hands on training in discrimination between human and non-human bone, estimation of biological characteristics of individuals (sex, age, stature, dental status) and skeletal trauma interpretation.

More information here.

12th May 2019

BAHID Summer Residential Conference – 5th – 7th July 2019: Recovery to Repatriation: using cases from the past to develop future techniques

Management of cold cases does not rely only on valuable lessons and experiences learned historically.  Innovative forensic techniques are continually applied and investigated in a bid to find new leads or establish links between cases previously thought to be unconnected. While the application of new techniques has led to successes and new leads for investigators, it has also led to discussions of the ethical implications of some of those techniques. This 3-day conference will host practical workshops and presentations aimed at highlighting cold cases, and will also present new ground-breaking developments in forensic sciences in a continued bid to resolve open and future cases. The workshops will be held on Friday afternoon, covering topics such as fire investigation, assessing burnt human remains for DNA viability and a crime scene scenario. Saturday and Sunday will see experts from a wide range of disciplines invited to present on topics covering aspects of forensic sciences, cold/historical case experiences, innovative techniques and new insights which can help current and future investigators.  

More information here


08th April 2019

Summer school – Acquiring and post processing 3D data in anthropology and archaeology, University of Bologna, Italy, June 2019

The Summer School is designed to comply with the increasing demand for researchers with different and cross-disciplinary backgrounds who are able to manage virtual environments and to exploit the analytical potential of 3D data in a variety of scientific endeavours. The courses are suitable for undergraduate/graduate students, PhD students, post-doctoral researchers, and professionals in the field of anthropology, archaeology, medicine and dentistry who are interested in developing fundamental skills in 3D data acquisition and post processing. Participants will acquire specialised notions on the different kinds of technology employed in 3D data acquisition (e.g., surface scans, X-ray computed tomography – CT), and on a variety of methods for post processing surface data (such as segmenting/visualizing image data from (micro)-CT sources) to create and analyse 3D digital models.

For this purpose, the School is articulated in two classes, each of which will address specific subjects and will provide access to complementary skills. The classes can be attended independently or in sequence, and both classes will involve lectures and practical sessions conducted and supervised by experts in the field.To register to the Summer School and reserve a spot, participants are required to fill out the application form no later than May 10th, 2019.

more information here

07th March 2019

Palaeopathology Summer School, August 2019, Department of Archaeology, Durham University, 12th August to 23rd August 2019

All people are welcome from within or outside archaeology and anthropology, and those in retirement looking to continue/pursue their interests. International applicants are very welcome.

Applicants need to be 18 years of age or over and have some education in the study of archaeological human remains.

The course will initially cover normal human variation (biological sex, age at death, metrical and non-metrical analysis) and then emphasize palaeopathology, including:

  • current palaeopathology practice
  • the history of its study
  • theory and practice in palaeopathology
  • all major disease categories
  • hands on practical experience, including considerations of pseudopathology
  • ethical issues surrounding palaeopathology and human remains
  • the multidisciplinary nature of palaeopathological study
  • current research themes

The course will be taught in English primarily by:

There will also be some guest lectures from Durham and elsewhere.

Applicants should have a good command of English to get the most out of the course.

We have 10 places available for the course in August 2019.

Applications must be received by April 30th, at which point all applicants will be considered for the 10 places available.

Applications should be made on the form downloadable at the bottom of this page, and submitted to

Notification of acceptance will be given by the 24th May 2019 via email

More information here

29th January 2019

Crete Field school 13-30th May 2019, Crete, Greece

Available topics include:

  • Bilateral asymmetries and biological profile in modern Cretans
  • Exploring body proportions of Modern Cretans
  • 3D pair matching projects
  • Postmortem CT in forensic investigations
  • Experimental ballistic trauma
  • …and much more…..

More information here

Summer school in osteology and anthropology in Pontestura, Italy 1-6th July 2019

8th March 2018

De l´Évolution à l’Anthropologie Médico-Légale, XXXIIIème Colloque du GALF, November 22 – November 23, Coimbra, Portugal

More information coming soon (link).

3rd March 2018



Updated information about both events can be found here:

General information

Domestic violence

Forensic photography

23rd February 2018

Crete Fieldschool 2018

Dates: May 8th to May 29 2017

Location: Amudara, Heraklion, Island of Crete

A minimum number of 10 students are required for this course to run.

Fee: £700 per person.

This includes accommodation and transport from the airport as well as an excursion which is going to be planed according to the group’s suggestions.

Deadline for booking a place is  March 30th. Special discounts apply to current and former students of the University of Edinburgh.

More information here –


31th January 2018

Forensic Anthropology Field School in Albania and Romania; May 15-June 7, 2018

Co-taught by a forensic anthropologist (Thomas A. Crist, Ph.D., FAAFS), a historical archaeologist (Kathleen L. Wheeler, Ph.D.), and a medical anthropologist (John H. Johnsen, Ph.D.), course topics also include cross-cultural health and healing; Roman and Balkan history; mortuary archaeology; human anatomy, mass fatality incident planning; cultural resources management; public outreach; and heritage tourism. Albanian archaeologists and the physical anthropologists at the Rainer Anthropology Institute join us to present specialized lectures, demonstrations, and site tours.

For more details and videos about the program, we invite you to visit our web page at or contact Thomas A. Crist, Harold T. Clark, Jr. Professor of Anthropology and Anatomy, at

29th January 2018

banniere EAFS

You are invited to join the 8th European Academy of Forensic Science Conference (EAFS 2018) in Lyon, from the 27th to 31st of August 2018 in Lyon, France.

EAFS 2018 main topic will be « 2020: The Forensic Odyssey – the new European Forensic Science Area ». This meeting will be structured in four main topics: Forensic Intelligence, Forensic humanity, Forensic response against terrorism, and Forensic challenges. Submit your abstract(s) for this event before April 13th 2018.

More information at

29th November 2017

Mercyhurst University 2018 Forensic Anthropology Summer Short Courses

The Mercyhurst University Department of Applied Forensic Sciences is pleased to announce that registration for our 2018 Summer Short Courses is now available. Five one-week courses provide training in Forensic Archaeology, Human and Comparative Osteology, Human Skeletal Biological Profile, Skeletal Trauma, and Stable Isotopes in Forensics and Archaeology. Mercyhurst faculty and expert guest instructors combine classroom lectures with hands-on field and laboratory sessions. Courses are suitable for law enforcement, medicolegal professionals, and students of all levels. No prior experience is required. Visit our website ( or contact Dr. Sara Getz (, 814-824-2624) for expanded course descriptions, instructor bios, registration, and payment information.

16th October 2017

6th INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP IN CLINICAL FORENSIC MEDICINE – Domestic violence, May 18th and 19th 2018, MONTPELLIER (France)

Main speakers : Dr. M. NITTIS, Australia ; Prof M. STARK, UK ; Prof. E. BACCINO, France; Prof. C. CATTANEO, Italy ; Dr. G. HARING and Dr. T. ZUPANC, Slovenia Dr. F. CAUSSE-
VERSAVEAU, France ; Dr. D. PASSERIEUX, France ; Dr. M. LACAMBRE, France ; W. BODKIN, France ; O. SAUTEL, France.

Registration fees ( Registration deadline : March 30 th 2017)

Workshop in Clinical Forensic Medicine for general public : 300€
Workshop in Clinical Forensic Medicine for the members of FORMAELIV and AMLTCM : 200€
Workshop in Clinical Forensic Medicine for medical students : 120€
Workshop in Clinical Forensic Medicine + Workshop forensic photography for general public : 450€
Workshop in Clinical Forensic Medicine + Workshop forensic photography for the members of FORMAELIV
and AMLTCM : 370 €
Workshop in Clinical Forensic Medicine + Workshop forensic photography for medical students : 250 €

Contact : Maguette NIANG
Eric BACCINO e-baccino@chu-
Philippe CATHALA philippe-cathala@chu-


Domestic violence : Definition, epidemiology, diagnosis, prevention
management, legal aspects and organization in the world and in Australia

Domestic violence : Definition, epidemiology, diagnosis, prevention
management, legal aspects and organization in the world and in Australia

Case reports

Domestic violence : Definition, epidemiology, diagnosis, prevention
management, legal aspects and organization in the world and in Australia


Management of domestic violence in the UK

Management of domestic violence in Eastern Europe

Psychological impact of domestic violence on adult couples

Psychological impact of domestic violence on children

Medical support for perpetrators of domestic violence

Can family thérapies treat domestic violence ?

Comparative legislation on the fight against domestic violence in Europe

Sociology and Economic Impact of Violence on Families


ORGANISING COMMITTEE – Prof. Eric BACCINO, MD ; Dr. Emmanuel MARGUERITTE, MD, Department of forensic medicine, University Hospital of Montpellier, France
TRAINERS – Professional photographers and Forensic clinical and Crime scene investigation specialists

To acquire the basics of photography and apply them to forensics in order to obtain quality
photographs for functional use (for legal or educational purposes for instance)
To develop mechanical reflexes in order to be able to adapt to the variety of situations faced
by forensics (from a victim’s lesions to an outdoor crime scene, low lighting etc…)
Level Required : all levels
Who should attend : beginners, amateurs and advanced amateurs
Languages available for the workshop : English and French
Material required : camera, laptop / touch screen tablet and a USB stick

Organized by FORMAELIV (

6th October 2017

6th Global Conference on Genocide: Genocide and Mass Violence: diagnosis, treatment, and recovery? Humanities, social and medical sciences facing extreme violence. Medical Faculty of Aix-Marseille University (France), 4-7 July 2018

Call for papers: From mid October 2017, prospective participants will be able to upload proposals in the form of abstracts of no more than 250 words via the conference website at A biographical sketch of no more than 100 words will also be required. Panel and roundtable submissions need, in addition, to explain the rationale behind the suggestion. Queries relating to this process can be sent to Applicants can expect to learn the outcome of their proposals within four weeks of submission. After their proposals have been accepted participants will need to register online at which contains further information about the conference, fees, accommodation options, travel advice, and other relevant matters. Participants registering before 15th February will receive a 10% discount for early registration. The closing date for paper, panel and roundtable submissions is 15th March 2018.

6th September 2017

BAHID Conference: Search, Recovery and Identification, 1-3 December 2017, Manchester, UK

The conference will be dedicated to all forensic fields working within this area, and hopes to attract a range of speakers, both professional and academic to share their research and experience with the BAHID members and wider forensic community.The deadline for this call is Friday 15th September 2017.

More information here.

29th August 2017

Symposium “Villes, Sociétés urbaines et syphilis en méditerrannée et au-delà (16e-21e siècles)”, Marseille, France, 25-27 october 2017

The symposium will be articulated in 6 sessions aiming at documenting and giving useful information about the spread of the disease on the scale of a city, a harbour and notably a Mediterranean territory. In the concern of comparing the ways of diffusion as well as the sources, contributions about other geographical areas will obviously be welcome. As long as they concern a municipal scale or harbour context (be it civil or military) — or if they deal with enclosed spaces (like enclaves or geographically, culturally or socially – isolated populations ).

Registration and more info here:

3rd June 2017


Congress of Auxology is addressed to pediatricians, pediatric endocrinologists, public health professionals, anthropologists, biologists, statisticians, all professionals interested in human growth either in individual or in population groups and students. Deadline for Abstract submission: Sunday 18th June, 2017.

More information  here.

26th May 2017

Diploma course in Forensic Medical Sciences 5th October 2017 – 22nd March 2018, London/Online, Academy of Forensic Medical Sciences in London.

This course was established by Professor Peter Vanezis in the late 1980s and remains unique in the world. It is a part time evening course aimed at those interested in learning about a range of forensic topics. The Course will consist of 30, two hour sessions and will be available by completion in classroom and online. Students may also choose to complete the course as part attendance, part online.

Students who successfully complete the course will be eligible to sit for the Diploma in Forensic Medical Sciences, which is offered by the Worshipful Society of Apothecaries of London.

The course aims to offer participants an understanding and core knowledge in forensic medicine, as well as toxicology, forensic science and the law.

The standard of admission to the course will be a relevant University degree in medicine, law, science, social science or a related subject.

The fee for attendance at Lectures within the Charterhouse Square Campus is £900, payable prior to the commencement of the course.

The fee for the distance learning course is £900 payable prior to the commencement of the course.

Candidates must submit a formal application for admission, electronic copy of an application can be requested from

Diploma course in Forensic Human Identification, 5 – 9 March 2018, London/Online, Academy of Forensic Medical Sciences in London.

The Academy of Forensic Medical Sciences is holding its next Diploma Course Forensic Human Identification in March 2018.

This intense one-week Course, which is also available online, comprises 31 hours of lectures.

Students who successfully complete the course will be eligible to sit for the Diploma in Forensic Human Identification, which is offered by the Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine of the Royal College of Physicians. The standard of admission to the course will be a relevant University degree in medicine, law, science, social science or a related subject.

The fee for attendance at Lectures within the Charterhouse Square Campus is £900, payable prior to the commencement of the course.

The fee for the distance learning course is £900 payable prior to the commencement of the course.

Candidates must submit a formal application for admission, electronic copy of an application can be requested from

Diploma course in Management of the Dead, Monday, 12th February – Thursday, 15th February 2018, London/Online, Academy of Forensic Medical Sciences in London.

This course aims to offer participants an understanding and practical knowledge of the main aspects related to the management of the dead. It also explains the processes involved in ensuring the dead are managed in a proper and dignified manner, including consideration for the needs of bereaved families. The course will also provide an understanding of all aspects of how deceased persons are managed from when death occurs to their lawful disposal and all related issues. Both single and multiple death situations will be covered.

The fee for attendance at Lectures within the Charterhouse Square Campus is £850, payable prior to the commencement of the course.

The fee for the distance learning course is £850 payable prior to the commencement of the course.

Candidates must submit a formal application for admission, electronic copy of an application can be requested from

16th April 2017

ISDM-IAPO-2017: 17th International Symposium on Dental Morphology (ISDM) & 2nd congress of International Association for Paleodontology (IAPO), 4-7 Oct 2017 Bordeaux (France)

The 17th International Symposium on Dental Morphology (ISDM) and 2nd congress of the International Association for Paleodontology (IAPO) will take place in Bordeaux, France, from 4-7 October, 2017. It will be hosted by PACEA (Unité Mixte de Recherche 5199) at the University of Bordeaux, at the domaine du Haut-Carré in Talence.

ISDM-IAPO is an interdisciplinary symposium, bringing together researchers in anatomy, palaeoanthropology, palaeontology, archaeology, dentistry, genetics, biology and biomechanics, focussing on various themes: dental evolutionary changes, teeth in archaeology, dental growth and development, biomechanical aspects of the masticatory apparatus, odontology, pathology and oral health in present and past populations, evo-devo of hard tissues and new methods in dental studies.

Abstract submission deadline:  April 23rd, 2017

More info here.

11th April 2017

The 36th ANTHROPOLOGY AND HEALTH CONFERENCE 2017, Dubrovnik, Croatia 16-18 June 2017

The 36th Anthropology and Health Conference 2017: Anthropology in the Service of Global Health will be held in Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 16-18, 2017. The deadline for registration and abstract submission is April 30th 2017 with no registration fee.

The Conference will precede the 10th ISABS Conference on Forensic and Anthropologic Genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Individualized Medicine, which will be held June 19-24, 2017 at the hotel Palace Dubrovnik.

More info here.

10th April 2017

BAHID 2017 Conference / MIGRATION AND IDENTIFICATION/ 19-21 May 2017, Manchester

More information here.

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