Osteological collections


The map of identified osteological collections created by FASE is a free-to-use source of information for researchers, students or anthropology enthusiasts. The map represents a short summary of information available for osteological collections from all over the world, with the main focus on modern identified collections. The name, location, known biological variables, notes, and a web link (if available) of each collection are presented.

The map is divided into three separate layers – “Modern identified collections” marked with green, “Non-modern identified collections” marked with purple and “Identified collections of uncertain temporal status” marked with orange. Click on square symbol in the left corner of map toolbar to open map menu containing list of collections of each layer.

Modern (contemporary) identified collections are defined as being fully or partially comprised of individuals born after 1920, for whom age at death and sex are known. Depending on the collection, other demographic information, such as population affinity, and profession may be available. For some collections, medical data, including the cause of death, and antemortem photographs are also accessible. The collections may not necessarily include complete skeletons; some are comprised of skulls only.

Non-modern identified collections are defined as being comprised of individuals born before 1920, for whom age at death and sex are known. For some of these collections, population affinity or medical records, including the cause of death are also available.

The “Identified collections of uncertain temporal status” include collections, which consist of individuals with known variables, but the temporal aspect of the collections (dates of birth of the individuals) could not be ascertained from the information source so far.   

The map will be continually updated with new information. The curators of the collections or anyone with information about the collections are more than welcome to contact FASE at fase.newsletter@gmail.com or through our Facebook page in case they have any comments or suggestions regarding the listed or missing collections. In the future, we plan to include also virtual identified collections, so information about this type of collections is also welcome.

The map can be cited as follows: The Map of Identified Osteological Collections. Forensic Anthropology Society of Europe (FASE). https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=162_ElRDZuDCJfM10jCkPpRSFPSw&ll=31.412645801177902%2C0&z=2

COPYRIGHT: ©Forensic Anthropology Society of Europe, 2018. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of map without written permission from this site’s owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Forensic Anthropology Society of Europe with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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